VISIT US HALL 1 BOOTH 107C4-8 June 2024Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Sistema di fine linea per controllo di qualità,taglio, impilatura e confezione automatico,robotizzato ad elevata produttività.ASSE VI - Priorita' di investimento 13i - Azione 3.1.1
Vieni a trovarci allo stand dall’ 8 al 14 giugno 2023 alla FIERA MILANO
Read our interview with Easy Engineering Magazine!
TECHNOPLANTS protect its image on the marketMAKES KNOWNthat, as a result of the precautionary proceedings brought by Sicam s.r.l. against Technoplants s.r.l. (registered under no. 6211/2021 R.G.), the Court of Florence, Section specialized in Business matters, with an order published on 30 March 2022 (unclaimed and no longer appealable) fully rejected all the claims made by Sicam s.r.l., based on the alleged infringment, by TECHNOplants’ MULTI line oven, of the patents operated by Sicam s.r.l. , in the main proceedings aimed at protecting the oven called MULTi Pro Thermobonding Oven produced by Sicam itself.
Discover TECHNOplants' new airlay MULTIline h for high densities and fibers+powder mixes on ITMA 2019 Live news:
The Princess Royal inaugurated the textile factory and airlay line of our customer Texfelt in Bradford, Uk and she met our President Marco Gualtieri.Check the twitter page of The Royal Family for more pictures of the